Dr. Jennie

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Coronavirus: Helping Kids to Understand!

Hi Friends,

What a couple of weeks it has been!  Even though so much has changed and is uncertain, I just wanted to remind everyone how critical it is to keep kids informed about what's going on around them.  Many children, especially those with autism spectrum disorder, can feel the nervous 'vibes' all around them, but aren't sure exactly what's happening and why, which can make the nervous and uncertain feelings that much more unsettling! It's our job (as adults, parents, therapists, and educators) to fill them in!  

Even if you're not sure they understand everything, they most likely understand a whole lot more than you think. Below are some links to social stories on the topic of the Coronavirus to help kiddos to understand what's going on around them.  Feel free to explore them and find one that you think would be a good fit for your child:

Social Story 1: Pandemics and the Coronavirus by Carol Gray

Social Story 2: My Coronavirus Story by Easter Seals

Social Story 3: Interactive Social Story by UM/NSU CARD

Also during this time of uncertainty, be sure to have plenty of time for fun quality time with your kiddos. Make sure they know that the world can feel crazy, but they are safe at home to have fun and to play!

Check out some of these fun resources brought to us by UM-NSU CARD: