Dr. Jennie

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Sing, Read, and Play! There's a Bird on your Head!

We are really missing some of our kiddos, but still working on finding a way to bring stories, songs, and fun into homes during this time of quarantine! 

Today we’re reading, 'There is a Bird on my Head' by Mo Williams, performed by Dr. Jennie and, Sarah Galvan music therapist. This story is not only super silly and fun, but it also reminds us how powerful it is when we use our words to communicate what we want!  Stay tuned after the story for a fantastic art extension activity presented by our friend and art extraordinaire, Ms Lisa!

We hope that this is a video for everyone to enjoy! For kiddos, it’s entertaining and comprehensive- including reading, inferencing, and art - all connected to the same theme.  For parents, we’re modeling different ways to make learning meaningful.  Using props, acting out stories, and incorporating other subject areas are great ways to up the meaning, the engagement, and the fun for all!